Spiritual Direction
Accompanying you as you discern the action of God in your life and cultivate a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.
Meet once a month
Meetings are done in-person, at my home or via Zoom
Weekly or bimonthly meetings are available during life challenges as needed
$75 per 1-hour session
Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
A transformative experience of reflecting upon scriptures and the writings of Saint Ignatius that he developed, while a layman, during his own spiritual journey. These 500-year-old exercises consist of recognizing God’s lavish love for us, becoming aware of choices that lead us closer to God, personally experiencing the depth of Christ’s sacrificial love offered to each of us and seeing first-hand the path forward in life with a spirit of hope. The Spiritual Exercises are a life changing experience that helps one to grow in their intimate relationship of love in and with God.
This experience requires the individual to commit to 45 to 60 minutes of daily prayer
A weekly spiritual direction meeting for 9 months or a bi-monthly spiritual direction meeting for 18 months
Cost is $60 per 1-hour session via zoom or in-person

Christ Centered Decision Making
Using the teaching of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and his rules for discernment, we will go through a process involving prayer and focused journaling to help you make the best decision possible. This can take three or more sessions depending upon your individual situation.
Meet bi-monthly depending upon personal need
Meetings are done in-person at my home or via Zoom
$65 per 1-hour session