Hello, I'm Sandy Monier. As a spiritual director, I accompany individuals on their spiritual journey to a more intimate relationship with God. I walk with them as they discern God moving and acting in their lives, grow to embrace more fully the love offered to them through their creator, and strive to live freely as a unique and beloved child of God.

Spiritual direction is the act of accompanying individuals as they discern Divine action in their lives and grow in a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.
I listen intently to the individual before me and to the Spirit of God at the same time with the goal of attending to the individual as they discern God's movement in their lives. As a spiritual director, I will use a variety of methods which help the individual encounter God in profound ways. This involves the use of scripture and prayer to facilitate deeper introspection and a greater connection with God.
I practice my Catholic faith in the context of my marriage, family, and community with all the joys, challenges, and pressures that everyone else faces. In addition to a master’s degree in Spiritual Direction and a Certification in leading individuals through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, I also bring an extensive variety of experiences to the table from retreat, hospice, pastoral care ministries and the creative arts.

"It is by being awake to God in us that we can increasingly see God in the world around us. "
- Henri Nouwen,
Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith
My spiritual services are designed to discover and work with the unique individual you were created to be. Whether you're seeking clarity, guidance, or simply a deeper connection with God, I offer a range of services to help you on your journey.


Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius

Christ Centered
Decision Making