Sometimes prayer is dwelling in the liminal space where God moves. No conversation necessary, simply being is all God desires as we are surrounded by graces us in the moment.
Silently being with God in a liminal space of prayer may happen when we sit quietly and listen to beautiful music, gaze upon captivating artwork or savor a good cup of coffee in our prayer spot. Whatever it is that prompts us to slow down and be attentive to God in the moment will help carry us to a place of simply being.
This is what happened in my prayer today. It was like God speaking right out of Mark 6:31 saying, "come away by yourself to a lonely place and rest a while." The draw to breathe deep and linger in a quiet enveloped my heart as I sat looking out the window at wispy clouds floating by and felt myself gently moving with God.
Moments like this may not last a long time and are often known as contemplative prayer. Whatever your experience with God is today, make a short prayer of humble gratitude and may you go on your way, with grace, to the work God has called you to in this season of life.
"May the God of Contemplation bless you, calling you into the still point of Divine Presence. Out of the silent center of your being may you bring serenity and peace to every circumstance and to each person. May your contemplation bear fruit in the words that you speak and the work that you do. May the God of Contemplation bless you" - from Blessing Upon Blessing by Maxine Shonk, O.P.