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Solitude with Jesus

Sandy Monier

"Lord, before I can produce anything lasting in my life, I need to be united to you in prayer. Aware of my weakness and inclination to sin, I trust all the more in your forgiveness and mercy" (

So started my morning prayer as I entered back into a familiar setting.  I am sitting cross-legged, on a patch of dry, dusty ground and Jesus is sitting with me in the dirt, looking at me, listening to my thoughts.  I have been in this place of prayer, with Jesus, for a few weeks and I am finding it to be a place of solitude and growth.

​This morning, all I can think about are the mistakes I have made in my life.  Regret surges in my heart for those I have hurt along the way and the times I have unknowingly chosen the path that leads away from Jesus.  I look up, my eyes meet his and I sense in my heart that forgiveness and mercy are mine for the taking, if I want them.  It is my choice to pick them up, embrace them, or leave them lying in the dirt between us.  

I am suddenly pulled out of my prayer, distracted by some noises outside when I look up and the glass ball hanging in my window catches my gaze.  The glass tree is contained in a bubble, in a place of solitude.  The colors that emanate from it cast bright reflections on my wall and dance in the moving sunlight.  Just like the glass tree, the gifts of forgiveness and mercy, if accepted and internalized, will dance in the joy of the Son.  In a way, the tree in the glass ball is just like the spiritual life.  Sitting in solitude with Jesus, surrendering our whole selves to His care, allowing ourselves to be contained within Jesus, accepting the gifts He offers, we end up shedding colors of faith, hope and love to dance upon the world around us.  

Solitude with Jesus, its a great place to be. 

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